IELTS speaking samples


Sample Answer: My hometown is like "a blast from the past," with its quaint streets and historic buildings. It's a small town nestled in the countryside, surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery. Life in my hometown is like "taking a trip down memory lane," with its close-knit community and laid-back atmosphere.

Sample Answer: What I like most about my hometown is like "a diamond in the rough" - its natural beauty. The scenic landscapes and tranquil surroundings are like "a breath of fresh air" in today's fast-paced world. Moreover, the sense of community is like "music to my ears," with neighbors looking out for one another and lending a helping hand when needed.

Sample Answer: My hometown is like "a hidden gem" with its charming attractions and landmarks. One popular attraction is the town square, like "the heart of the community," where locals gather for festivals and events. Another landmark is like "a blast from the past" - the historic church, which dates back centuries and holds special significance for residents.

Sample Answer: Over the years, my hometown has undergone like "a metamorphosis" with modern developments and infrastructure improvements. Just like "a phoenix rising from the ashes," the town has embraced change while preserving its rich heritage. New businesses have sprung up, like "mushrooms after a rain," bringing vitality to the community while maintaining its small-town charm.

Sample Answer: Absolutely, I would recommend my hometown as "a hidden gem" worth exploring. Its scenic landscapes, historic landmarks, and vibrant community make it like "a breath of fresh air" for visitors seeking a tranquil getaway. Whether hiking in the hills, exploring the town square, or simply soaking in the local culture, there's something for everyone to enjoy in my hometown.


Sample Answer: I live in a cozy apartment in the heart of the city. It's like a sanctuary where I can unwind after a long day. The apartment is like "a stone's throw away" from all the amenities, with shops, restaurants, and parks just a short walk away.

Sample Answer: Living in a house is like "having the best of both worlds." You have more space and privacy compared to an apartment, and you can personalize it to your liking. Moreover, having a backyard or garden is like "a breath of fresh air," providing a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Sample Answer: My dream accommodation is like "something out of a fairytale." It's a charming cottage nestled in the countryside, surrounded by lush greenery and blooming flowers. The cottage is like "a home away from home," with a cozy fireplace, a sunlit kitchen, and a hammock swaying in the breeze.

Sample Answer: When choosing accommodation, it's important to "think outside the box" and consider factors such as location, budget, and amenities. Just like "finding a needle in a haystack," finding the perfect accommodation requires careful consideration of your needs and preferences. Additionally, considering factors like safety and accessibility can ensure a comfortable living experience.

Sample Answer: Yes, I've encountered a few hiccups with my accommodation in the past. It's like "a bump in the road," but I've learned to "roll with the punches" and find solutions to overcome challenges. Whether it's a leaky faucet or noisy neighbors, communication is key to resolving issues and maintaining a harmonious living environment.


Sample Answer: I do enjoy studying, it's like "a piece of cake" when you're passionate about the subject. Just like "hitting the books," diving into new concepts and ideas is both challenging and rewarding.

Sample Answer: One study habit that works like "a charm" for me is creating flashcards. They're like "a secret weapon" for memorizing key concepts and vocabulary. Another effective strategy is like "killing two birds with one stone" - studying in short, focused bursts and taking regular breaks to recharge.

Sample Answer: Dealing with distractions while studying is like "walking a tightrope." One technique I use is like "putting on blinders" - I create a quiet, clutter-free environment and turn off my phone to minimize interruptions. It's like "keeping your eyes on the prize" and staying focused on the task at hand.

Sample Answer: I prefer to study alone, it's like "having the best of both worlds." While studying with a group can be beneficial for brainstorming ideas and sharing perspectives, I find that studying alone allows me to like "march to the beat of my own drum" and work at my own pace.

Sample Answer: Motivating myself to study when I'm feeling unmotivated is like "climbing a mountain." I remind myself of the bigger picture and like "keeping my eyes on the prize" - whether it's achieving my academic goals or pursuing my dream career. Sometimes, like "taking baby steps" and setting small, achievable goals can like "light a fire under me" and get me back on track.


Answer: I believe that being able to "hit the ground running" is crucial for success in any job. This means being proactive and productive from the very beginning, without needing extensive training or guidance.

Answer: When faced with a challenging task, I usually "take the bull by the horns" and tackle it head-on. I break it down into smaller, manageable steps and approach it with determination and perseverance.

Answer: Yes, I've had experiences where I've had to "keep my head above water" in high-pressure situations. I prioritize tasks, stay organized, and focus on meeting deadlines without compromising the quality of my work.

Answer: I'm motivated by the opportunity to "climb the corporate ladder" and advance in my career. Setting goals and striving to achieve them keeps me focused and driven to perform at my best every day.

Answer: I believe in "burying the hatchet" and resolving conflicts diplomatically. I listen to the other person's perspective, seek common ground, and work towards finding a mutually beneficial solution.


Answer: Family is like a "rock" in my life, providing a strong foundation of love, support, and belonging. They are my "safe haven" in times of trouble and my greatest source of joy and laughter during moments of celebration.

Answer: One family tradition that holds a special place in my heart is our annual "family reunion." It's like a "home away from home," where relatives from near and far gather to reconnect, reminisce, and create new memories together.

Answer: In my family, we believe in the saying, "blood is thicker than water," meaning that no matter the disagreement, we always come together and "bury the hatchet." We prioritize open communication, empathy, and forgiveness to maintain harmony and unity.

Answer: Family values act as a "compass" guiding individuals' moral compass and decision-making processes. They instill important virtues such as honesty, respect, and empathy, which form the cornerstone of one's character and shape their interactions with others.

Answer: Families rally together like a "tight-knit unit" during challenging times, offering unwavering support and solidarity. Whether it's through emotional encouragement, practical assistance, or simply being there to lend an ear, family members provide a sense of strength and resilience that helps navigate through life's ups and downs.

Interest - photography

Answer: My interest in photography was sparked when I received my first camera as a gift. It was like a "light bulb moment" for me, and I quickly became captivated by the art of capturing moments and telling stories through images.

Answer: In my free time, I "focus my lens" on exploring new techniques and experimenting with different styles of photography. Whether it's capturing the beauty of nature, documenting everyday life, or experimenting with creative compositions, photography allows me to "express myself through the lens."

Answer: Yes, pursuing my interest in photography has had its fair share of ups and downs. There have been times when I've hit a "creative block" or struggled with technical aspects of photography. However, I've learned to embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and "develop my skills" through practice and perseverance.

Answer: My interest in photography has been like a "window to the world," allowing me to see beauty in the mundane and appreciate the small moments in life. It has enriched my life by providing a creative outlet for self-expression and allowing me to "capture memories" that will last a lifetime.

Answer: My advice would be to "shoot for the stars" and pursue your passion for photography with dedication and enthusiasm. Don't be afraid to "step out of your comfort zone" and experiment with different techniques and subjects. Surround yourself with fellow photographers who can offer support and feedback, and above all, "keep snapping away" and honing your craft with each shot you take.

Musical instrument

Sample Answer: My favourite musical instrument is the guitar. It's like a versatile companion that can adapt to any mood or occasion. Whether strumming gentle chords for a soothing melody or shredding riffs for a burst of energy, the guitar has a way of speaking to the soul. Just like "music to my ears," the sound of a well-played guitar never fails to uplift my spirits.

Sample Answer: Yes, I play the piano. Learning to play the piano was like "learning the ropes" of a new adventure. I started taking lessons when I was a child, and over the years, I've honed my skills through practice and dedication. Playing the piano is not just a hobby; it's like a form of self-expression that allows me to convey my emotions through music.

Sample Answer: Learning to play a musical instrument is like "hitting two birds with one stone" - it's both fun and beneficial for personal development. It helps improve cognitive skills such as memory, concentration, and problem-solving. Moreover, it's a great way to relieve stress and express creativity. As the saying goes, "practice makes perfect," and mastering a musical instrument requires patience and perseverance.

Sample Answer: For beginners, the ukulele is like a "piece of cake" when it comes to learning a musical instrument. Its small size and simple chord structure make it easy to pick up and play. Unlike larger instruments like the piano or guitar, the ukulele is like a friendly companion that doesn't intimidate newcomers. With a little practice, anyone can strum along to their favorite tunes and enjoy the sweet sound of the ukulele.

Sample Answer: Learning to play a musical instrument is like "adding color to a canvas" - it enriches one's life in countless ways. It fosters creativity, boosts confidence, and provides a sense of accomplishment. Moreover, it's a wonderful way to connect with others through shared interests and collaborations. Whether playing for personal enjoyment or performing for an audience, the joy of making music knows no bounds.

Classical music

Sample Answer: Classical music is like a timeless melody that has been passed down through the ages. It's known for its elegant compositions, rich harmonies, and intricate melodies. Just like "music to my ears," classical music has a universal appeal that transcends time and culture.

Sample Answer: People enjoy listening to classical music because it's like a breath of fresh air in a busy world. Its soothing melodies and calming rhythms offer a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As the saying goes, "music calms the savage beast," and classical music has a unique ability to relax and rejuvenate the mind.

Sample Answer: Classical music is like a magic potion for children's development. It stimulates their imagination, enhances their cognitive abilities, and fosters a love for the arts. Like "planting seeds in fertile soil," exposing children to classical music at a young age can lay the foundation for a lifetime of musical appreciation and creativity.

Sample Answer: While classical music may seem like "Greek to some," it's actually quite accessible once you understand its language. Just like learning any new skill, it takes time and patience to appreciate the nuances of classical compositions. With a little guidance and an open mind, anyone can unlock the beauty and complexity of classical music.

Sample Answer: Introducing classical music to newcomers is like opening a door to a whole new world of sounds and sensations. We can start by selecting pieces that are easy on the ears and relatable to everyday experiences. Just as "a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down," pairing classical music with familiar activities or themes can make it more enjoyable and accessible to beginners.


Answer: Yes, I absolutely adore animals. They're like "a breath of fresh air" in my life, bringing joy, companionship, and a sense of wonder with their unique personalities and behaviors.

Answer: Yes, I have a beloved pet dog named Max who's been a part of our family for years. He's like "a member of the family," bringing endless love and laughter into our home with his playful antics and unwavering loyalty.

Answer: Yes, I had a pet cat named Whiskers when I was a child. He was like "a ray of sunshine" in my life, providing comfort and companionship during both happy and challenging times.

Answer: Absolutely, I would love to have a pet in the future. Having a pet is like "adding a splash of color" to everyday life, and I look forward to the opportunity to share my home and heart with a furry friend once again.

Answer: Having a pet can bring a multitude of benefits to a person's life. They're like "a shoulder to lean on" during difficult times, providing unconditional love, companionship, and emotional support. Additionally, pets encourage physical activity, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being, making them invaluable companions in our journey through life.


Sample Answer: Yes, I have a pet dog named Max. He's like a member of the family, and taking care of him is like second nature to me. I make sure to feed him nutritious meals, take him for regular walks, and give him plenty of love and attention. They say "a dog is man's best friend," and Max truly lives up to that saying.

Sample Answer: Having pets is like "a breath of fresh air" in our busy lives. They provide companionship, reduce stress, and bring joy to our hearts. Whether cuddling with a cat or playing fetch with a dog, pets have a way of brightening our days and reminding us to appreciate the simple pleasures in life.

Sample Answer: Some people prefer to have pets over children because they offer companionship without the responsibility of raising a child. It's like "having your cake and eating it too" - you get all the love and affection without the demands of parenthood. Moreover, pets can be like "therapists on four legs," offering emotional support and unconditional love.

Sample Answer: In my language, we have several idioms related to pets. For example, "let sleeping dogs lie" means to avoid stirring up trouble, similar to "don't rock the boat." Another one is "barking up the wrong tree," which means pursuing the wrong course of action, much like "chasing wild geese."

Sample Answer: Ensuring the well-being of pets is like "taking candy from a baby" when you know what to do. It starts with providing proper nutrition, regular exercise, and veterinary care. Additionally, creating a loving and nurturing environment at home is essential for their happiness and overall health. After all, pets are like "a reflection of their owners," and their well-being is a testament to the care they receive.

Expensive activity - golf

Answer: One expensive activity that I indulge in occasionally is playing golf. It's like "a hole in one" for me when it comes to unwinding and enjoying some leisure time outdoors.

Answer: I typically go for a round of golf at the local country club on weekends or whenever I can "carve out some time" from my busy schedule. It's a great way to "get away from it all" and recharge my batteries.

Answer: I enjoy playing golf because it's not just a sport; it's also a "breath of fresh air" for me. I love the challenge of mastering each shot and the satisfaction of seeing improvement in my game over time.

Answer: To play golf, you need a set of clubs, golf balls, tees, and appropriate attire such as golf shoes and a collared shirt. It's important to have the right "tools of the trade" to enjoy the game to its fullest.

Answer: Playing golf contributes to my overall well-being by allowing me to "blow off steam" and relieve stress in a peaceful, natural setting. It's a great way to "clear my head" and focus on the present moment, away from the pressures of daily life.

Encounter with a wild squirrel

Answer: Yes, I vividly remember a delightful encounter with a wild squirrel during a visit to the park last summer. It was a sunny afternoon, and I was enjoying a leisurely stroll when I noticed a curious squirrel scurrying nearby.

Answer: This enchanting encounter happened in a peaceful corner of the park, surrounded by lush greenery and towering trees. The tranquil setting provided the perfect backdrop for my unexpected rendezvous with the squirrel.

Answer: It was a small, brown squirrel with a fluffy tail, darting around with nimble movements. Its fur glistened in the sunlight, and its expressive eyes sparkled with curiosity as it explored its surroundings.

Answer: As I sat on a bench enjoying the scenery, the friendly squirrel approached me with boldness. It seemed unafraid and even climbed onto the bench beside me, searching for treats. I was amazed by its fearlessness and gentle demeanor as it sniffed around and interacted with me.

Answer: This experience left me feeling filled with warmth and joy. It was a magical moment of connection with nature, and I felt incredibly privileged to be so close to such a charming wild creature. The encounter with the squirrel reminded me of the simple pleasures of life and the beauty of the natural world around us.

Something changed your life in a good way

Answer: Yes, one significant event that changed my life for the better occurred during my final year of high school.

Answer: It happened during a leadership retreat organized by my school, which took place in a scenic mountain retreat center during the spring semester.

Answer: During the retreat, I had the opportunity to participate in various team-building activities, workshops, and reflective exercises. However, the most transformative experience came during a challenge course activity where I had to overcome my fear of heights and trust my teammates to support me.

Answer: Initially, I felt nervous and apprehensive about facing my fear of heights. However, as I navigated the challenge course with the encouragement of my peers, I experienced a profound sense of empowerment and accomplishment.

Answer: This experience changed my life in numerous positive ways. It boosted my self-confidence and resilience, showing me that I'm capable of overcoming obstacles and achieving my goals. It also strengthened my relationships with my peers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. Overall, this life-changing event taught me valuable lessons about facing challenges with courage and embracing opportunities for growth, shaping me into a more confident and resilient individual.

Describe something you own which is very important to you

Answer: Absolutely, one item that holds immense value to me is a vintage watch passed down to me by my grandfather.

Answer: I received this watch as a cherished gift from my grandfather on my 18th birthday, and it's been a treasured possession ever since.

Answer: This watch is like a "link to the past" for me, serving as a tangible reminder of my family's history and values. It holds sentimental value beyond measure and represents the love and wisdom passed down through generations.

Answer: Whenever I look at this watch, I feel a sense of nostalgia and gratitude. It's like having a piece of my grandfather with me, reminding me of his strength, resilience, and the enduring bond we share.

Answer: This watch has had a profound impact on my life, serving as a constant source of inspiration and motivation. It reminds me to cherish moments with loved ones, live with purpose, and honor the legacy of those who came before me. In essence, it's not just a timepiece; it's a cherished heirloom that embodies the values and traditions of my family.

How people’s values have changed

Answer: In my country, achieving success in one's career is often seen as a major status symbol. Climbing the corporate ladder and reaching the pinnacle of one's profession is like "hitting the jackpot" in terms of social recognition and respect.

Answer: Yes, there have been significant changes in societal values since my parents' time. Back then, traditional markers of success, such as owning a house or a car, held greater importance. However, in today's fast-paced world, success is often measured by one's ability to adapt to changing technologies and embrace innovation. It's like "out with the old, in with the new" when it comes to defining success in the modern era.

Answer: Over the years, there has been a noticeable shift in people's attitudes towards material possessions. In the past, there was a strong emphasis on "keeping up with the Joneses," with status being closely tied to conspicuous consumption. However, today, there's a growing recognition that "less is more," and people are increasingly valuing experiences over material wealth.

Answer: Social media has become a "double-edged sword" when it comes to shaping people's values. On one hand, it provides a platform for individuals to showcase their achievements and status symbols, amplifying the pressure to "keep up appearances." On the other hand, it also fosters a culture of comparison and unrealistic standards, leading to increased anxiety and dissatisfaction among users.

Answer: Absolutely, I believe that traditional values continue to hold significance in today's society. While the landscape may have shifted, values such as integrity, respect, and compassion remain timeless and essential for building strong communities and fostering meaningful connections. It's like "anchoring to our roots" amidst the winds of change, providing stability and guidance in an ever-evolving world.

The role of advertising

Answer: The role of advertising in today's society is akin to being the "voice of the market," connecting consumers with products and services and influencing their purchasing decisions.

Answer: Advertising has undergone a significant transformation over the years, evolving from traditional mediums like print and television to digital platforms like social media and online streaming services. It's like "keeping up with the times" as advertisers adapt to changing consumer behavior and technological advancements.

Answer: Absolutely, advertising plays a pivotal role in influencing consumer behavior and shaping purchasing decisions. It's like "planting a seed" in consumers' minds, creating awareness and desire for products or services through persuasive messaging and clever marketing tactics.

Answer: The impact of advertising on society is profound and far-reaching. It shapes cultural norms, influences trends, and reflects societal values. However, it can also perpetuate stereotypes and contribute to unrealistic beauty standards, leading to concerns about its ethical implications. It's like "walking a tightrope" as advertisers balance the need to promote products with the responsibility to do so ethically and responsibly.

Answer: In the future, advertising is likely to become even more personalized and interactive, leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence to target consumers with tailored messages and experiences. It's like "thinking outside the box" as advertisers explore innovative ways to engage audiences in an increasingly digital and fragmented media landscape.

Free time

Answer: Yes, I do have some free time, though it varies depending on my schedule. Sometimes, I feel like I'm "as busy as a bee," juggling work, studies, and other commitments, but I try to carve out moments of leisure whenever possible.

Answer: Yes, I enjoy spending time outdoors whenever I can. It's like "a breath of fresh air" for me, providing a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and allowing me to recharge my batteries amidst nature's beauty.

Answer: When I'm outside, I love engaging in various activities that bring me joy and relaxation. Whether it's going for a leisurely hike in the mountains, picnicking in the park with friends, or simply taking a stroll along the beach, I find solace in the simple pleasures of nature.

Answer: Yes, one activity I've always wanted to try is kayaking. It's like "testing the waters" of a new adventure, and I'm excited about the prospect of paddling along scenic waterways, exploring hidden coves, and immersing myself in the serenity of nature.

Answer: Spending time outdoors fills me with a sense of tranquility and rejuvenation. It's like "a breath of fresh air" for my soul, allowing me to clear my mind, appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and reconnect with myself and the world around me.

Describe a special event or festival that you liked

Answer: One event that holds a special place in my heart is the annual Lantern Festival celebrated in my hometown.

Answer: The Lantern Festival took place in the central square of our town, which transformed into a vibrant hub of activity and excitement during the festivities.

Answer: During the Lantern Festival, the entire town was adorned with colorful lanterns of all shapes and sizes, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. There were cultural performances, traditional music, and dance shows, as well as a wide array of delicious food stalls offering local delicacies.

Answer: Yes, absolutely! The Lantern Festival was a hit among both locals and visitors alike. It was like "a sight for sore eyes," drawing crowds of people from near and far who marveled at the enchanting displays and immersed themselves in the festive atmosphere.

Answer: The Lantern Festival held a special place in my heart because it was like "a trip down memory lane," evoking fond childhood memories of laughter, joy, and togetherness with family and friends. It was a time of celebration and unity, where people of all ages came together to create cherished memories that would last a lifetime.

A special event or festival that you liked

Answer: Celebrations play a vital role in society as they are like "the glue that holds communities together." They provide opportunities for people to come together, strengthen bonds, and create lasting memories, fostering a sense of unity and belonging.

Answer: Yes, celebrations are indeed experienced differently by different generations. It's like "looking at the same moon but from different angles." Younger generations may approach celebrations with a sense of excitement and enthusiasm, while older generations may value traditions and rituals associated with the event. However, despite these differences, celebrations serve as occasions for families to come together and share joy and laughter across generations.

Answer: Celebrations are like "threads in the tapestry" of cultural identity, weaving together customs, beliefs, and values passed down through generations. They provide a platform for communities to showcase their unique heritage and traditions, preserving cultural identity and fostering a sense of pride and belonging among members.

Answer: Celebrations are like "building blocks" of social cohesion, bringing people from diverse backgrounds and beliefs together in shared experiences. They create opportunities for individuals to interact, forge connections, and build relationships, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of unity and solidarity within communities.

Answer: Celebrations have evolved over time, like "a river flowing towards the sea," adapting to changing societal norms and cultural influences. While traditional celebrations may retain their core elements, modern celebrations often incorporate new customs and practices, reflecting the dynamic nature of society and the diverse perspectives of its members.

International events

Answer: Absolutely, international events are like "bridges between nations," fostering cooperation and collaboration on a global scale. They provide platforms for countries to come together, exchange ideas, and address common challenges, promoting mutual understanding and diplomacy.

Answer: International sporting events tend to be more popular with the younger generation, like "catnip to kittens." They capture the imagination and excitement of youth, who are drawn to the thrill of competition and the camaraderie of cheering for their favorite teams and athletes.

Answer: Yes, I believe we will see changes in international events in the future, as they are like "living organisms" that evolve with the times. We may see greater emphasis on sustainability and inclusivity, with organizers prioritizing eco-friendly practices and diversity in participation. Additionally, advancements in technology may lead to more immersive and interactive experiences for viewers, blurring the lines between virtual and physical attendance.

Answer: International events serve as "windows to the world," shaping global perceptions and fostering cultural exchange. They provide opportunities for countries to showcase their unique heritage and achievements, challenging stereotypes and fostering mutual respect and appreciation among nations.

Answer: International events are like "cash cows" for host countries, injecting revenue into local economies through tourism, hospitality, and infrastructure development. They create jobs, stimulate business activity, and boost investment, leaving a lasting economic legacy long after the event has ended.